After that, we went to the British Museum in order to see the Rosetta Stone. We were only able to spend about an hour there, but no worries- I still managed to hit the gift shop. :) 
We ate lunch at this Thai restaurant, where I had some of the best curry I've ever eaten, and then headed back to the hotel to pick up our giant backpacks and make our way to King's Cross to catch the Eurostar. Once again, I was seated backwards going under the Chunnel, but I quickly fell asleep so it was no big deal. Our train got stuck on the tracks for who knows what reason, so we missed our connecting train and had to take another one, which put us back in Maastricht at about eleven. Unfortunately, almost all restaurants in Maastricht close by ten, so there were only two options for dinner- pizza at this place our guide didn't know how to get to, or McDonalds! So of course, we went to Mickey D's, which is quite different in the Netherlands than in the US. Options on the menu included some kind of sausage, a "Sneekburger" (which several people tried for the name alone), and the McCroqet, which I had a bite of and will probably never touch again. I just ordered a Big Mac, which tasted almost the same. One thing that is interesting about Europe is that you have to pay for the most ridiculous things, such as ketchup. In fact, it cost almost 75 US cents for a teeny tiny package of the stuff. I'm learning to like plain fries. Another thing, people in the Netherlands eat fries with EVERYTHING. There have been days when I have been served fries with two out of three meals. Luckily I walk about five miles a day so they're not having too much of an effect. Anyway, we got back to the hotel and passed out from sheer exhaustion. The end.